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HOW TO GET ZAZZLE PRO BRONZE BADGE?(revised important tips)

Globo Arte

There are so many ways in which you can increase your sales and become a Zazzle Pro Bronze seller who made 1000$ from the Zazzle US domain, but I will discuss some important tips based on my own experience.

1) New feature on Zazzle helps you a lot in knowing about the latest updates trends and themes for your Zazzle store which you can apply to increase your sales Also they keep you updated with new products.

2) Trend= Evergreen- people often talk about targeting more Evergreen niches but I would recommend you to balance both these out as I have seen personally on a particular occasion like Christmas you will get more sales for your Christmas products than for general business or other related products ( based on my own experience) so finding a balance and uploading both will balance out your sales throughout the year.

3) Simple templates- add as many graphics pictures fonts to your design but make it easy for your customer to edit it and purchase it simplify the editing process for your customer complicated and not easy to edit design will convert less and especially take into account the picture and images for large products like tapestries, curtains, yoga mat, corn hole sets, etc as they require high file size image plus they are high ticket products to upload designs on them according to it.

4) Learning mindset- always keep learning something new like new designing skills new trends new technologies new techniques and new stuff to go hand in hand with your growing Zazzle store and to continuously make more money from it, as every year things change and it gets advanced so you also need to evolve change grow with it.

5) Be inspired- get inspirations for your products designs on a timely basis like once every single week, use the Zazzle home page for that or even other platforms like Etsy, Creative Fabrica, Creative Market, or even Google trends, or simply Google so that you can bring new designs new products to life on your Zazzle store to keep bringing in sales.

Want to know more?? Want more tips??

Then check out our YouTube video here

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