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Globo Arte


Getting your youtube channel monetized these days is a big task when it comes to monetizing on youtube via Google Adsense.

Recently I reached this milestone so I am sharing my own story here to help inspire you that it's not that easy but yet 100% achievable.

My story begins with Youtube back in 2019, back at that time I already had my first youtube channel ( art channel ) in place, but I started with the new channel in June 2019 which is my GLOBO ARTE MAGAZINE CHANNEL which I started and in June 2019 I only uploaded 17 videos, no idea what I was doing and had no niche or topic ideas in place, only that I want to target artists/creatives motivating them or inspiring or helping them in making money, but since I had my own full-time college, I was a college student back then in 2019 so I only uploaded 17 videos and left my channel for entire 4 months not uploading single video because I was a full-time medical student in college, it was stressful for me.

But when the pandemic hit in March 2020, I was at home in complete lockdown for months, so I started uploading videos on this channel again, in late March 2020, but then since I was looking for other ways to make money online and was doing other things in the background, I was again inconsistent on youtube, until Aug 2020 I uploaded a video about getting the first sale on Redbubble as an artist that video got me few hundreds of views within few days of uploading it and that video helped me gain few subscribers in beginning, I think I had back 40 subscribers and then finally in October 2020, I started taking youtube seriously as I saw that video is gaining me some traction and I am getting some views, then from Jan 2021 to Jan 2022, I started uploading daily youtube videos, it was a lot of videos and a lot of work but I really get serious with it.

I also started uploading youtube shorts to get more views and more subscribers, so long story short I reach 1000 subscribers back in 2021 and get my channel finally monetized in Late March 2022 (although I expected to reach in Jan 2022), my channel finally hit over 1500 subscribers and 4000+ watch hours in late March 2022 and then on 1st April 2022 I applied for youtube partner program keeping in my I already had my google AdSense account set, my channel got reviewed in literally 3-4 days and on 4th April 2022, I finally got accepted in the youtube partner program.

So it was really long journey, so I take that I took my youtube channel seriously in Oct 2020, then from Oct 2020 to March 2022, it took me almost 1 and half years to get my channel monetized and if I take from the start of my channel back in June 2019 to March 2022 then it took me more than 2 and half years since I started my channel to get monetized.

So you can calculate how long it took me but I can say it's a long journey with ups and downs and several times I felt like giving up, now I will share some real tips that I think helped me so far.

1) You are your niche- people always thin and say pick up one niche but I would say you ae your niche, do something and upload videos about topics which you want to talk about cause otherwise people get those vibes fast that you are doing for just money and its not good vibes, I had small channel but my audience and subscribers are very loyal and sweet and they help me make a beautiful small channel community.

2)Don't rely on youtube Adsense- by the time I reach 4000 watch hours I was already making money with my channel vis affiliates, selling digital products, so If you build a loyal community you start making money with your youtube channel under 1000 subscribers too, its possible I started making affiliates commission from my channel when I hit 500 subscribers and started getting products sales on reaching to 1000 subs.

3)Have patience and keep realistic goals in mind, don't have far too big goals that make you feel tense and you finally give up, it's a long process so slow steady wins the race.

4) Provide value first and give it all I give my all that I know about my topics in my videos instead of holding it back and giving less and expecting people to buy your products, if you give your all and provide value people naturally buy your products as you build trust with them and customer journey to buy products the first thing is trust and loyalty if they trust you they are more likely to buy.

5) Make videos about topics that people want from you, I often make videos related to people's questions and answer them in my videos, which increases loyalty and trust.

6) the Last tip- stay on track and don't give up it will surely take time but you can do this so don't give up, if tired then take a rest but keep going it's a long journey.

Check out my video for in-depth tips here

Good luck and lots of success to you


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