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Globo Arte


Some of the unique ways and some of the ways to make money online as an artist as a designer or even as a print-on-demand seller are completely new and unique so we'll be covering the unique ways and an obvious way

1st way to make money online as an artist as a creative designer selling your original art now I'm going to talk about where you can sell your original art in the Etsy, amazon Sacchi art, you can sell it on your own website Shopify or whatever website builder you choose so selling the original art is one of the most common ways to make money online you can sell your own original designs online and can make money so this is one of the most common methods and many I'll just get started with this method in the very beginning.

2. I'm going to talk about the second method which is selling your limited edition prints you can create your prints around your own designs your artwork you can take a printout so you can create a limited edition print and can sell it onto various different websites there are so many ways in which you can do that you can create the limited edition prints and offer the free shipping like on the Etsy or even with the connecting with the Shopify

3. Third way to make money online is by selling the commercial license of your art of your designs you can sell your commercial license and when you're selling the commercial license you can't sell that piece of art or design again for anyone or for even selling to your own customers so make sure if you're selling your designs or art as a commercial license to some particular brand or companies or galleries then it's an exclusive you can't sell it on any other platform and designs is a limited edition only so that is another route and many people like many artists make thousands of dollars by selling their commercial license of their art so this is also the route if you're creating original artworks and if you're really interested in selling and commercializing your art for some specific particular type of brand or collaborations or companies or our collectors or even for the art gallery so depend for you even some of the big business person also take the art and get the full commercial license of that and artists get thousands of dollars for that one particular piece of our work.

4 Now talking about the fourth way to make money online is by selling your patterns as we're selling your designs in art as in the form of patterns like you can sell the commercial license of your designs the third way i talk about selling your original art as a commercial license and all but now i'm talking about selling your art or designs if you're creating the patterns or textures you can sell the commercial license of that in the form of digital download the one website that I have for you on the list is the pattern bank but it's a website where you can sell your own patterns your textures your gradients and you can sell the full commercial license of your patterns to some companies some brand and you it is completely exclusive for that company and brand and that company brand were going to pay you a huge amount of dollars for in exchange of the commercial license and those companies were going to use your patents your textures for creating their own clothing line or for creating their own products line whatever they are using but once you're selling that commercial license to that particular brand company you are no longer to be able to sell the same designer pattern to any other person we think about selling the commercial license for your art for your designs, creating the patterns you can sell them you can sell the jpeg files the png files or the psd files having the complete layers so that when you're selling a commercial license that person or that company can use that designed in textures and can edit them the way they want to but it's an awesome way to make money online as a pattern designer or even as a designer an artist you can sell your original sketch work as well in this way by creating the digital form of the artwork in the photoshop editing in it and providing the license of that complete sketch of the complete pattern to a company to a brand

5. Fifth way to make money online as an artist is by selling your art or patterns on textiles or on the wallpapers now this one is new for me too guys I came across such websites where you can do that's a spoonflower on this website you can sell your patterns your textures your gradients even your sketch works your art and can make money by that people buy a lot of the textiles like all of the clothing in a roll and they use that or even they buy the wallpapers for their home from that website so this website creating your own clothing line creating your own textile line or wallpaper line or even signing up on these marketplaces to sell your own designs and patterns in the form of a textile-like on the clothing or on the wallpaper another way to make money online is by selling your art to the gallery

I hope you really find it useful do let me know in the comment section below what do you think are you selling your art your designs


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